Saturday, January 18, 2025

We Can Adapt!

The Mighty 9 on Thursday!

Well, this week didn't go quite as we had planned.  A couple of our friends weren't feeling well on Tuesday, and Sam is visiting family in Arizona, so we took our smaller group of 13 to visit Mike at the Watermen's.  On Wednesday, Lisa came down with a stomach virus, so she and Alexis stayed home.  By Thursday, a few more friends were staying home out of an abundance of caution (we didn't blame them one bit), so by then, Carol and Nan were left with an even smaller group of 9.  We were closed on Friday for Beka's memorial service, which several of us were able to attend, but not including Carol, who was having symptoms by then.  We hope everyone will be well and things will be back to our routine by next week.  

Tuesday, January 14

We enjoyed our morning with Mike as he helped us focus on setting goals/resolutions for 2025.  He kept it very realistic, telling us to start with small personal goals, and not to stress about accomplishing them just in January.

He recommended sharing our goals with friends so we could support one another!

After considering what our personal goals or resolutions were, Mike explained that listing a few steps to help reach them would be a good idea.  We begin with a length of paper divided into sections for each month, added our goals using blue paper, and listed steps on the yellow paper.  We discussed working on our goals, with the support of our friends, for the entire year, not just in January.

Mike wrapped it all up with a few songs that inspired us to stand strong together, including the timeless "Lean On Me."  Thank you Mike, for helping us remember that we're here for each other and together, we'll always achieve more!

Back at the center, we had lunch and Choice Time and then made bird feeders using supplies we had gotten from MG Krafty Karen.  We covered cardboard cutouts of birds with peanut butter and bird seed, then hung them outside.  Before we could get packed up to leave, birds were already nibbling on them!

Wednesday, January 15

Everyone stepped up to adjust the day's plans when Lisa got sick with a stomach virus and had to miss a couple of days.  She was glad to see this photo of a fun dance warm up!

We canceled the therapy dogs visit for today just in case we were incubating a virus outbreak.  We broke out our board games as a back up plan!

Emma and Annmarie seemed happy playing the Pretty Pretty Princess game!

A game of Uno brought smiles and laughter to Erik, Devin, Liz, and Thomas!

Laura and her buddies Abraham and Xavier got a kick out of Head Bands!

Kevin chose a puzzle while Nan and Patrick played Connect Four.

Bryan and Kate enjoyed a strategic game of Sorry!

The gang got plenty of movement, too.  It was a very chilly day outside, so they cranked up the music and walked (and boogied?!) up and down the hallway!

Liz told Nan it was "Rod Stewart" time...Rod is Nan's favorite!

Great job, guys!  Get your hearts pumping for the new year!

Later, it was time to celebrate National Strawberry Ice Cream Day, which, for some reason, falls on January 15.  Hey, we don't mind!  Any ice cream "holiday" is a good day to us! 🍨

It seems Bryan and Devin were not into being photographed (as they usually are) if it meant they couldn't dig into their ice cream yet!  😂  Carol said everyone enjoyed the treat today!

Thursday, January 16

By today, Lisa was still out, but feeling much better, and Alexis was home, too.  (Luckily, Alexis was fine.)  A few more friends decided to stay home just in case a virus was spreading, so the gang was down to 9.  Here's a look at their final day for this week.

Wendy, our friend at Bowlero, has a birthday on National Popcorn Day, which is Sunday.  We made this birthday poster for her!  Thanks guys, for including everyone's names!

Kevin brought in Ring Pops for Bingo prizes so we played a round of one of our favorite games.  Thanks, Kevin!

Exercise time!

There was an unexpected lockdown drill, and the police said we did a good job!

Preparing popcorn chicken to warm up in The Nina.

Our delicious lunch of popcorn chicken, mac n cheese, and fruit salad, one of Beka's favorite meals.  Thanks MacMasters family for sponsoring lunch today!

One of Xavier's masterpieces!  A nice ending to the there is still snow on the ground.  Is it lying around waiting for more to come next week?!  We shall see!

Speaking of next week, here's what to expect:

Tuesday:  Today we will have history lessons as we discuss yesterday's presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We'll also have a movement activity followed by an early lunch.  After lunch we'll head to The Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg for a lesson on Squirrel Appreciation Day with Christina...which sounds like fun!  Arc shirts optional.  Lunch on your own.  JRES is serving Beef Soft Taco, Taco Salad, or Pizza.

Wednesday:  We'll begin the day volunteering at GCOC, and then we'll celebrate our volunteer Allison's birthday!  We'll prepare a birthday lunch of cheeseburger pie, salad, and cake.  It's Library Shelfie Day, so we'll make fun cards for our JRES Library friends, too.  Please wear Arc shirts. 

Thursday:  This morning we are lucky to have a make up session with our therapy dog friends since we canceled them during the virus scare last week.  We're also celebrating Polka Dot Day for the first time ever, so break out your spotty clothes, books, or other "spirit" things and we'll see how this goes!   Lunch on your own.  JRES Cafeteria is offering Domino's Pizza, Chef Salad, or Sub of the Day.

Friday:  It's a Pet Supplies Plus work day, so please wear PSP shirts.  We'll celebrate National Peanut Butter Day by offering "upgrades" to PB&J sandwiches for lunch, along with chips and fruit.  After lunch, we're going to APEX-PT for a winter workout in the Rock Steady Boxing Gym.  We had to reschedule our December visit and we have been looking foward to seeing Kelly, Scott, Bret, and the rest of the team!

Enjoy the weekend,

Lisa, Carol, Nan, and the AoA Gang

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