Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tres de Mayo Special Edition!

Since we enjoy checking our blogs (past and present) so much, we couldn't let a day go by without posting pictures, especially when it was as fun a day as last Friday was, when the camera got left at the AFCC.  Hence, this special edition...

  In 2016, when the AoA began, Sam's mom, aka "Coach Teri," treated us to tacos for lunch to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, which also happens to be her birthday!  It was such a hit, that she repeated it the next year, and the next, and this year... and now it's been 4 years so it's a tradition!  She dubbed this year's "Tres de Mayo" since it was on May 3rd that we celebrated, and she also brought the tacos to Eaton, where we were working for the day.  

First, a few pictures from our work day:

The tasks were varied today, which is great because we have the team for it!  Kacie assembled U-brackets while Laura, Annmarie, and Kate prepared aluminum plates by removing a plastic film from each one.

Jorie said the warehouse needed a rush-order on gasketed pieces, so Liz, Bo, and Alexis started cranking them out!

Devin trained Abraham on sorting these pieces, which the gasket gang needed.  Dev said Abraham was "a great sorter" and together they got this job done very efficiently.

Out in the other room, Kevin, Meemaw, and Xavier were part of the Power Slide Door assembly team.  Kevin and Xavier have nimble fingers and are able to attach screws and nuts with ease!

Carol helped Chloe with the labeling task since Alexis and Liz were needed for gasketing.  They make a good team.  But it all starts with Sam, who unpacks the doors and keeps the flow of assembly at a steady pace for us.  This team assembled close to 200 doors!

We were surprised when Jorie popped in to show us Eaton's "pet" turtle.  They rescued him from the parking lot.

His name is Rascal and our guys thought he was adorable... 😃🐢

The highlight of Friday was our "Tres de Mayo" lunch and Coach Teri's birthday celebration!  We made this gorgeous cake for the occasion!

It's fun taking birthdays "on the road" and this one was no exception.  We set up the Birthday Board over the bulletin board in the Eaton break room, and it was colorful and filled with balloons and special cards for Coach Teri.  Many thanks, Coach, for continuing the tradition of celebrating your Cinco de Mayo birthday with us, and providing the yummy tacos and churros!  It's definitely one of our favorite traditions.  We hope your birthday was as wonderful as you!

Til next time,

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