Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving, 2020


We are eight months into our unusual, challenging, never-to-be forgotten Covid Pandemic of 2020, but we still have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!  Our guys worked with Lilly on a gratitude lesson and named everything from family and friends, food, shelter, pets, and clothing to being back in our AoA routine (of sorts, anyway), our governor and state taking steps to keep us safe, and a vaccine on the horizon as things they are grateful for in 2020!  There are always lots of reasons for gratitude!

Our week was short, but busy and fun.  Check it out!


Every year since we began the day program in 2016, the Monday of Thanksgiving week has been the only Monday we are open.  We do that so we can have Wednesday off for preparations or, in many family's cases, traveling.  That meant our guys came for two days that week.  This year was different, since we have split our groups for smaller numbers, and each group only came for one day. Our Tuesday / Wednesday group came on Monday this week.

We had to cut our dance warm up a little short so we could do lunch prep before our Zoom session at 10.  We were having salad with chicken for lunch and oatmeal cookies for dessert.  Nancy and Sam worked together to prepare the salad veggies.

Kevin was adding Mrs. Dash Chicken Seasoning to our chicken, and Patrick was standing by to saute it.  They worked in the main room, and when the chicken was done, our mouths were watering the rest of the morning from the delicious aroma!

Liz, Lilly, and Alexis were tasked with making oatmeal cookies from scratch.  Lilly loves to bake, so this was the perfect group for her to work with!

We had our lunch prep finished by 10, and then we brought up our Zoom session.  It was great to see everyone's smiles on a Monday morning!  We welcomed Christina from the Art Museums of CW, who graciously agreed to give us another art lesson!

Christina told us about this painting by Edward Hicks.  In the picture, he depicts himself as a little boy (bottom right) being read to by Mrs. Twining.  He lived with the Twining family as a child, and from this painting, we can tell he had fond memories of their farm.  It's hard to spot in this picture taken from our tv screen, but there are two turkeys right in the center.  Christina said they represent the only turkeys on display at the museum right now!  It's hard to believe that with as many items as the museum has, these are the only turkeys to be found right now.  Very cool to know this!

Christina took us step-by-step through the process of drawing a turkey.  It's quite simple, with her directions like, "draw half a heart," "draw some w's," "draw a circle," "draw lots of triangles," and so on!  We didn't get pictures of everyone's finished products, but they were stellar!  Many thanks to our friend, Christina.  Thanks for teaching us fun things!  We appreciate your continued support and it's always a joyful time when we see you, even if it's on Zoom!

After Zoom we had fun with turkey-themed fitness, and dancing to a fun Thanksgiving playlist, that included songs about foods like mashed potatoes, cornbread, and pumpkin pie!  (We forgot to take pics.)

Before lunch, Lilly took over for our continuing education segment.  She gave us a lesson on various aspects of Thanksgiving, including why we eat turkey, what it was like for the Pilgrims on the Mayflower, and then a fun segment on how some birds show off their dance moves when trying to attract a mate.  This was a bird called the Tragopan pheasant and it's bright blue neck gets seemingly bigger and bigger as it dances!  Lilly did a great job and we look forward to more fun and interesting lessons from her!!

Lilly also led us through a writing activity on the subject of gratitude.  We really reflected on what that means, and made a list of things close to our hearts.  When we shared our lists, everyone listened intently.

Kevin is grateful for lots of family and friends, his dog Bailey, and even getting help from Nan at the AoA!

We went light for lunch this week, since Thursday may be heavy for most of us!  We had a beautiful fresh salad topped with grilled chicken, and very soft and tasty oatmeal cookies for dessert.  It was perfect!

We used the computer lab to create thank you cards for Cameron's family, who had treated us to pizza last week.  We also made birthday cards for Carol.  Her special day will be next week, while we are isolating at home following the holiday.  We'll celebrate her on Zoom next Thursday.  We also told her not to peek at her cards until then!

The boys are looking good as they raise their legs high during yoga.  After our busy day, it sure feels good to do stretches like this.

It's the same for the girls.  This move involves a twist and a shoulder stretch that feels great!  We all agreed that we're thankful for our online yoga teacher, Jaime, too!


For staff, today was a repeat of yesterday, but with different friends.  We love how it's always fun to do the same activities with our Thursday / Friday group that we already did with the others, because their unique personalities bring whole new spins to things!  

We began today with our lunch prep.  Devin and Abraham were tickled pink to work with Lilly to bake what we have determined to be THE BEST oatmeal cookies EVER.  If you like them soft and chewy, click the cookie picture for a link to the recipe, and do yourself a favor during this holiday season.  These cookies taste like holidays!!  Click here for the recipe:  πŸͺ  And by the way, we may or may not have added about a big handful of chocolate chips to the recipe! πŸ˜‹

Equally good was the sauteed chicken for our salads. Kate was tossing the chicken that she had sprinkled with Mrs. Dash Seasoning.  Kate said her father always says a "little more seasoning" is better, so we told her to go for it, and she was right!  The chicken was so tasty!  Xavier may have added a bit too much oil (which Lisa removed), but he did a good job following directions and also helped saute the chicken!

Of course, our fresh veggies were also delicious!  Alexis and Michelle didn't grow them, but they did a great job cutting and chopping, and making sure we had colorful selections for our salad bar.  Good job with your knife skills, girls!

During our Zoom session, we danced to a song called "The Turkey Dance."  Look at these moves!  We wished we could have seen our friends at home dancing, but our screen only shows the music video that's playing.  Another thing we really miss is how we always loved dancing together in our big group.  We're thankful for fun times on Zoom!  

In our Zoom lesson, we watched a SciShow Kids video about turkeys.  We learned that the familiar "gobble, gobble" sound only comes from the toms (males), and the hens (females) make a less "gobbly" sound.  We learned that turkeys don't have teeth, and that they swallow small stones that remain in their gizzards to help break down their food.  Something fun, but kind of gross that we learned, is that toms and hens have different poop patterns!  πŸ˜‚πŸ’©πŸ˜‚πŸ’©  Ick!

Lilly was the emcee for our game of Zoom Thanksgiving Riddle Bingo.  As usual, it was a fun and noisy game...just like the gang likes it!

Xavier and Devin are so focused on their cards, you wouldn't believe it was a noisy game, but it was!  We're glad everyone has so much fun playing Bingo!

🎜🎝 There was more dancing after Zoom, but we were so into "turkey-trotting" around the room and checking out songs on a Thanksgiving playlist we found online, that we forgot to take pictures!  If you'd like to see the playlist (with video links included), click on the dancing turkey.  It's got 28 great tunes (and 1 with a parental advisory, so we didn't play it).  We played snippets of many of them, and got lots of exercise!  Our favorite? "Let's Turkey Trot" by Little Eva, circa 1965! 🎜🎝

Lilly's Thanksgiving lesson for today's group included a segment on whether or not other countries celebrate Thanksgiving.  It was interesting to find out that some countries do, but not for the same reasons we do!

πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ Here's a close up of our pre-Thanksgiving lunch...salad topped with chicken!  Almost all of our guys eat salads, and we are thankful for that!  It was delicious, and of course, nutritious!

 Abraham and Devin should be proud of their baking skills!  In case you missed it above, here's the link for THE BEST OATMEAL COOKIE RECIPE EVER! (Click on the platter of cookies!)  Also, note that we had gluten-free cookies for Xavier.  They weren't homemade, but he loved them just the same!

Here's evidence that we ended the day with yoga.  Our yoga pics weren't the best today, but we still enjoyed our session with Jaime, especially the "Peace Out" at the end.  Everyone headed home well-relaxed and ready for a fun Thanksgiving break.

That's the end of our short week.  Thanks for checking it out!

Reminder:  We order our day support shirts from A Logo for You, which is a local business.  They have opened the online store if you'd like to order more shirts, or any of a number of new items that will have the Arc of Greater Williamsburg's logo on them...just in time for holiday shopping.  Here's the link:

We will take extra time to stay safe at home next week, in hopes that we can do our part to keep Covid numbers at bay in our community following a holiday.  We hope everyone will join us on Zoom next week, Tuesday-Friday!  Lisa will send links on Monday.  Here are our Zoom plans:

Tuesday:  We'll have a social studies / history lesson as we welcome December with Rosa Parks Day.  We'll also see what "World Trick Shot Day" is all about...if you like shooting hoops, you'll like this!

Wednesday:  Calling all dog lovers!  It's National Mutt Day, so we will celebrate our furry friends (mutts or not) today!  For those of you with dogs, feel free to let them join us on Zoom today, and we'll let you tell us all about them, too!

Thursday:  It's Carol's birthday today!  We'll celebrate her while learning about some interesting birthday traditions around the world.   Then, we'll play Scavenger Hunt, so be prepared to find some things around your house to share with the group!

Friday:  It's Mystery Zoom Day!  Lilly will bring you a lesson on a surprise topic.  Check in at 10 to see what it is!!  She's looking forward to sharing something cool with you. πŸ‘€

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Hope to "see" you on Zoom next week,

Lisa, Carol, Nan, and the AoA Gang

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Fresh Air and Frog Eyes...

Ahh, fresh air sounds delightful, but frog eyes?!  What did they have to do with our week?  Well, we ate them!  Haha!  Keep reading to find out about that, and everything else we did this week!


It was a chilly start to the week when we came in on Tuesday morning.  We were hoping things would warm up before we left for a visit to the Botanical Garden around 11:00.  Our MG friend, Linda, had sent us a beautiful PowerPoint presentation with the latest updates from the garden.  After our dance warm up, we checked it out.  We learned that carrots, cabbage, spinach, and lots of bulbs have been planted.

The MGs also sent us a lovely 2021 calendar!  The pictures inside are just beautiful, and it's a wonderful reminder of what's to come once the pandemic moves on... Thank you, Linda, for the updates, and all of our Master Gardener friends, for this gift!  We love it!  Unfortunately, our MG friends weren't able to visit with us at the garden, as they are not interacting in person with the public during the pandemic.  We are going to see about doing some virtual visits with them in early 2021!

We met our at home friends on Zoom before our trip to the garden.  Our topic was bugs, and Mystery Doug had a great episode about why some folks are afraid of bugs.  He had a special guest, Dr. Sam Ramsey, tell us all about it.  Dr. Ramsey is a bug specialist, also known as an entomologist.  He was very interesting!

Once we arrived at the garden, we ate lunch, and then looked for things Linda had mentioned in the PowerPoint.  Alexis and Liz found the carrots that we learned would be sweeter after a frost!!  These are in the trellis bed.

The MGs have also planted cabbage, but it looks like some insects may have been feasting on it! πŸ›  We hope it will survive.  In the background we spotted some "ornamental" (our word of the day!) cabbage.  It seems to be doing better than the edible variety.

There is still plenty of pineapple sage to be found in the garden.  The guys spotted it here, and in a few other places throughout the garden.

Lilly and Nancy thought the Fairy Garden looked pretty!  Linda sent us a few unpainted birdhouses that we will make "pretty" and then add to the garden the next time we visit!

There is a large tub in the garden that is filled with water and plants.  Today we noticed there are little goldfish in there.  Can you spot them?  They don't like to have their pictures taken!

We ate lunch in the garden, and luckily, the wind hadn't picked up too much yet.  The temperature was around 58 degrees, and the sun tried to stay out from behind the clouds!  It was chilly, but not too cold to celebrate National Take a Hike Day (Nov. 17th)! 

We actually went a ways into the forest on an unpaved trail, instead of our usual asphalt trail.  We thought it would be more "hike-like" this way!  Except for having to navigate a couple of muddy spots, it was a very nice walk, and the fresh air was awesome!


Hello, James!  He stopped by to pick up the work we completed last week.  He didn't have anything new to leave, but hopes to have some things for us after Thanksgiving.  Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving, James! πŸ¦ƒ

Utah was our state to study this week.  It was #45 to join the Union (in 1896), and its nickname is "The Beehive State."  However, it's not because Utah has lots of bees, beehives, or is known for honey.  It's because the residents of Utah consider themselves to be very industrious, or busy as bees!  It goes back many generations to the early settlers who came to Utah and worked hard to become established.

We also learned from our United Tastes of America cookbook that a very popular side dish at gatherings in Utah is "Frog Eye Salad."  It's similar to an ambrosia salad we have made before, except it includes the addition of these little round pasta noodles called acini de pepe.  When cooked, they are about the size of frog eyes!  Keep reading to see how our version turned out!

It was a very chilly morning and rather windy, so we had morning fitness in the gym.  Here we can be seen walking and playing with basketballs.  It's so nice to have gym access!

Our pumpkin pie decorations looked lonely so we decided to make some turkeys to add to them.  Cameron was painting clothes pins, which we would clip on to use as feathers.

Alexis helped Kevin with his painting.  It was tricky getting paint on all sides of the clothes pins.  Patrick and Sam, in the background, worked on their painting, too.

Also showing "industriousness" were Liz and Nancy.  It took longer to paint the clothes pins than we thought it would, but everyone stuck with it!  We'll post a picture of the finished turkeys after Friday's group makes theirs!

The gang worked hard all morning, even though they had πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•on their minds!  Cameron's family treated us to pizza delivery, and that brought a lot of smiles!  Thank you, Cameron, Stacey, and Brian, for your generous treat.  We enjoyed it very much!! πŸ˜‹

We'd like to thank the state of Utah, as well, for introducing us to Frog-Eye Salad!  It was very tasty and a sweet side for our pizza.  Can you see the frog eyes throughout?!  🐸  We tried not to think about frogs while eating...

The Osmonds are arguably the most famous people from Utah, but Nancy, Lisa, Carol, and Nan were the only ones at the center who have ever heard of them!  Nancy said Donnie was her "tv crush" in the '70s and she was excited to tell her AoA friends about him!  We played Osmond Brothers music, which the gang enjoyed dancing to, and told them that Donnie was the "Justin Bieber" of the '70s...hmm.

We put an extra emphasis on our cleaning this week in light of the rise in virus activity.  Besides, it never hurts to clean well!

Our guys have had perfect attendance (except for a couple of travelers) since we returned in September.  The cleaning and hand washing, plus our face coverings, are helping us stay quite healthy!

Yay for Wednesday yoga!  


Good ole' Mickey Mouse turned 92 years young this week so we celebrated our favorite mouse during Thursday's Zoom.  Kate shared a great book that Lisa pulled some interesting information from, and she also brought in Mickey and Minnie to be our special guests!

We took a trivia quiz about Mickey and only missed one question!  That was great, but even greater was finding out that Annmarie's mom, Teresa, didn't have to have a second heart surgery after all!  It seems that the artery doctors were concerned about had healed itself!  We are soooo happy for her!!

After Zoom, we made our way to Freedom Park and enjoyed lunch at the pavilion in the Botanical Garden.  It was still chilly, but not windy.

We moved a couple of tables around so we could sit in the sun.  Thanks for helping, Devin, Michelle, and Alexis.  Lunch was a pleasant time!

Next, we checked the garden for things that Linda had told us about in the PowerPoint we looked at before coming.  Kate and Xavier were looking for a few fairies in the Fairy Garden.  They found two, but it seems another two may have gone missing. 😟

It wasn't in the PowerPoint, but Carol pointed this out to Alexis, who then showed Michelle.  It's a plant (maybe in the philodendron family?) with leaves that look like horse faces!

Devin and Michelle spotted the ornamental cabbage and leafy lettuce in the trellis bed.  Then, they also spotted the carrots! 

This was the first time Michelle had visited the garden, and when she spotted the butterfly bench, she thought it was so cool!  She enjoyed checking out the entire garden, and we loved filling her in on everything it means to us!

Even though Take a Hike Day was on Tuesday, we made sure to celebrate it with this group today!  We followed a path for a while, looking for a good spot for a photo op.  We eventually decided on this one.  Check out our tree huggers!


Devin and Alexis were earlybird arrivals on Friday.  Lisa and Carol were cleaning out the pantry and found some leftover pretzels and m&m's.  Devin and Alexis divided them up so everyone had a little "Welcome to Friday" treat when they came in!

When we learned about the state of Utah, we couldn't believe that a landlocked state would have a gull for a state bird!  But gulls live near open water, and the Great Salt Lake is in Utah.  However, we found out that it's the state bird because when the first pioneers settled in Utah around 1847, a huge cricket infestation threatened their crops.  The gulls showed up to feast on the crickets, which helped ensure the survival of the pioneers!

A beautiful day outside found Xavier and Abraham making lots of baskets.  Not a cloud in the sky and temperatures in the 60s!

Ever heard of a song called "Walking on Sunshine?"  Most of these guys have not, but that's what they were doing on this gorgeous Friday!

Xavier helped refill the bird feeders this week.  He held them while Lisa poured seed in, then he tightened the lids and hung them back on the stands.

Abraham wanted to paint the clothes pins for our turkey craft just right, so Lilly helped hold them for him.

Here are the finished turkeys!  They turned out very well and look great up there with the pumpkin pie. 

Lilly took over the read-aloud portion of our day, and did a great job!  We're making our way through the story New Kid, which is a graphic novel about a kid's experiences at a new school.   

We were treated to pizza for lunch by Cameron's family.  Cam is in our Tuesday / Wednesday group, and his friends in today's group miss being with him.  They were excited for a "real" pizza lunch, as they love pizza as much as he does!  We can't thank Cameron's family enough for this special treat!  One of the pizzas today arrived uncut, so Carol had to get out our pizza cutter and slice it up! πŸ˜‹πŸ•

Here's some pre-yoga silliness before everyone got serious with Jaime!  Fun times on Friday!

Finally this week, we want to introduce a couple of new AoA family members. Both Devin and Alexis recently welcomed baby girl cousins to their families!  Dev and Lexi look like naturals, and they have expressed so much love for the new little ones.  Congratulations to all on these sweet bundles of joy!

Devin and Sadie πŸ‘ΌπŸ’–

Alexis and Jordan πŸ‘ΌπŸ’–

Next week will be abbreviated for us, but we'll pack it with as much fun as we can!  Here's the lowdown:

 Monday / Tuesday Reminder - The Tuesday/Wednesday group will attend on Monday and the Thursday/Friday group will attend on Tuesday.

We will not study a state this week, as each group is only coming for one day.  But we will have Zoom sessions each day with our at home friends:  On Monday, Christina from the Art Museums of CW will give us an art lesson.  On Tuesday, we will have a lesson about turkeys, and play Thanksgiving Riddle Bingo.  

At the center, we will hand the reins over to Lilly for a Thanksgiving lesson, utilize the computer lab to create thank you and December birthday notes, have fun with "Turkey Fitness," and enjoy Yoga w/ Jaime at the end of the day (dress to stretch).  For lunch, we're going light in order to leave room for Thursday's big meal!  We'll prepare a yummy salad, adding grilled chicken for protein.  We'll also bake tasty oatmeal cookies for a sweet treat!

Happy Weekend to All,

Lisa, Carol, Nan, and the AoA Gang